Running a business can take up a lot of your time. Searching for new ways to generate income, finding new customers and developing new relationships, managing the needs of your existing customers… the list is almost endless. Why not save time and hassle by using our payroll bureau service?
We can process your payroll information and provide you with all the payslips to hand to your employees, detailed reports so you can see all the pertinent information at a glance including income tax and national insurance liabilities. We will tell you what you need to pay to HM Revenue and Customs and when.
Confused about the new “Real Time Information” or RTI rules? We will submit all RTI to HM Revenue and Customs for you each time we process your payroll to keep you fully compliant.
At the end of the tax year we can also complete your year end procedures and provide you with P60s to hand to your employees. If you provide benefits to employees, such as the use of company vehicles, then in addition to our payroll service (or as a stand-alone exercise) we can calculate the P11D benefits in kind. You will get all the forms to give to your employees and we’ll let you know what you need to pay to HM Revenue and Customs and by what date. We can also submit all required P11D information to HM Revenue and Customs meaning you have even less to worry about.